I began my journey into holistic medicine after I broke my jaw in 2014.
My surgeons were excellent and the dental students that they employed were amazing as well. But the whole experience lacked consideration and support. When my mouth was finally unwired, after three months, I was given no followup instructions, no real understanding of what was next in terms of care, of eating again, physical therapy to relearn how to use my mouth. It took months for me to feel able enough to try foods that were crunchy, like carrots, or bigger, like hamburgers. I remember feeling pretty helpless and afraid that I was going to re-break my jaw.
Becoming a wellness coach and beginning my training as an Ayurvedic practitioner gave me the ability to offer that extra care to people, to reassure them that they are okay. We all need support. Support can look like a lot of things - very different things - depending on the person. For me, support looks like someone to listen to my stress or anxiety, reframe my words, help me look towards solutions and steps forward. And this is how I’ve developed my coaching practice, to do just that for those who want it.
Listening to my clients, hearing them talk about their struggles, their accomplishments and the steps between the two is inspiring for me. I love helping people move their lives forward with positivity and strength.
I am a board certified health and wellness coach, through the National Board for
Health and Wellness Coaching, and a Licensed Massage Therapist.
2019 - 2020 Diploma and Licensure in Massage Therapy
American Institute of Alternative Medicine
2017 - 2019 Certification in Ayurvedic Nutrition & Herbology, Ayurvedic Pathology, Ayurvedic Massage & Bodywork
Kerala Ayurveda Academy, Kerala, India2015 - 2017 MA Health and Wellness Coaching (Nutrition & Integrative Health Practices)
Maryland University of Integrative Health